Tuesday, April 25, 2006

One down, three to go...

I took my Con Law final yesterday. It covered Congress' authority under the Commerce Clause, a state's ability to pass discriminatory legislation (imposing a tax on out-of-state tourists to the state) under the dormant Commerce Clause, and had a bit of individual rights/substantive due process thrown in for fair measure. The questions weren't that difficult and I put down what I thought needed to be included in the analysis. So, now it's time to move on to Contracts, which is the final I have on Thursday.

The final exam period is, without a doubt, the most difficult educational experience I have ever had. It takes a serious toll on the student and on their family/friends/loved ones. Missi has been amazing throughout this time but it isn't easy to basically become a single mom for two or three weeks. I just keep telling myself: only 10 days to go, only 10 days to go...

Currently listening to:
Remedy Drive [Thanks, A-Rob]
The John Butler Trio
Warren Barfield

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