Wednesday, November 14, 2007

This is pretty hilarious

Drew brought home his school pictures yesterday. On picture day a few weeks ago, I had conscientiously sent him to school wearing a light blue polo shirt. I thought the color would look good in the photos and the collared shirt looked nice. So, you can imagine my surprise when I took a look at the school picture that he brought home (not great quality because it is a picture of a picture):

He decided to wear his "awesome" military-type bomber jacket (complete with all of his various patches) in the photo! You can barely even see the light-blue shirt that I purposely dressed him in! Even though the photo isn't really what I had expected, I thought it was a very accurate depiction of our son and his interests.

1 comment:

Phil and Jessica Smith said...

I totally cracked up at this! What a crazy nephew we have! You can have the last laugh in 4 years when we post a similar picture on our blog when our boys do the same thing...J