Monday, April 07, 2008

Ohhhh Sam...

...what a cutie you are! Today, she and I were having lunch at home with each other, and her mind was busy at work. She has been on a question kick lately, and this day was no exception. She was asking about heaven and how you get there. After talking about that for a few, she decided that when she does get there, she was going to ask God why he put our noses in the middle of the face. Loved it!!

And speaking of heaven and kids, one of my bestest friends and co-workers, Kirsti, had the privilege of being a huge part of her niece's baptism on Easter. And they got it on tape! Her brother is the worship pastor at Mars Hill in Seattle, where John and I will try when we move. It is the sweetest moment when he realizes that the last person to be going is his own daughter!! I had to share. Enjoy!!

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