Sunday, April 06, 2008

All About Samantha

Everyone in our family has been really enjoying the "All About" posts that the Zimels have been posting about their kids, so much so that we decided to "steal" their idea and use it for our blog! So, without further adieu, here are the answers that Samantha gave to a series of simple questions (I tried to type out her responses as close to her actual wording as possible).

What is the first thing you want to do when you get home from gym (where she goes everyday with Missi)?: Ride my bike

What are some words that describe you (she had a hard time understanding this question)? I'm not mad, not sad…hey that rhymes!

The best thing about being a kid is…being good.

If you could pick any type of food for dinner, what would it be? Chicken nuggets and chocolate milk. And ketchup with the nuggets.

What are your favorite songs? The Beauty and the Beast dancing song. When Mrs. Potts sings. It’s the beautifulest song ever.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A princess like Belle.

How come? I love princesses. So I could be in Disneyland and I could go wherever I wanted to in Disneyland.

What do you like about having a big brother? He pours my cereal because I don’t know how to.

What don't you like about having a big brother? If he doesn’t pour my cereal and if he doesn’t be nice.

What will your kids do when you are a parent? I will let them play, let them read books when they grow up. They will probably obey me, but sometimes they might not obey me.

What are you going to do if they don’t obey? Give them spankings and let them have a timeout.

What do you like about Mom and Dad? They do nice stuff for me.

What do you not like about Mom and Dad? They don’t be nice sometimes because they put me in timeout and I don’t like that.

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