Thursday, July 20, 2006

Football was great

The flag football game I organized yesterday evening went really well. We had 14 players show up and we played for almost 2 hours. I really appreciate everyone from my school and others I know here in Eugene coming out to play. It was a beautiful evening but two "lessons learned" for next time include: (1) try to schedule it for a field where there is not a huge community event called "Touch-a-Truck" going on at the same time; and (2) try to orient the field so the sun isn't beaming directly into one team's eyes the entire time. That made things pretty difficult for whatever team had the sun going against them.

All in all, a really great time and I'm looking forward to doing it again later in the fall.

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Pre-game photo

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"Should we try the 'hook and ladder'?"

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One of the favorites for the MVP Award - T.A.

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