Thursday, August 02, 2007

Guys Weekend 2007 - Sunday

We all woke up Sunday walking a bit stiffly, the result of our climb the previous day. Jesse and Sean cooked up some delicious blueberry pancakes and lil' smokies for breakfast, and then we began to break camp. After getting all packed up, Craig led us in a devo that focused on waiting on Him. It was pretty awesome to sit in a sun-bathed alpine meadow with most (not all!) of your closest friends in the world and reflect on the incredible beauty that surrounded us. As you are out in the wilderness, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that we all are, on our own, insignificant and cannot survive without assistance.

After this time of quiet contemplation, what would anyone else want to do but shoot a firearm!? Using a refried beans can as a target, we channeled our inner Jack Bauer and "squeezed off a few rounds" (key phrase from the weekend). I think the consensus was that Jeff and Jesse (shocker) were the real marksmen among us.

After shooting for awhile, we wrestled our heavy packs onto our backs and headed back to the trailhead. For the most part, the hike out was uneventful other than the fact that there was a lot of hiker traffic and we were stopped by a VERY talkative Forest Service employee who wanted to go into excruciating detail describing his backpacking gear.

Here we are back at the trailhead after a successful hike out:

Aside from a few cuts, bruises, and dozens of mosquito bites, we managed to come away from the weekend relatively intact. It was a great weekend of bonding with friends and pushing our bodies beyond the normal sedentary existences that most of us live. I have dozens more pictures beyond those I've posted here - just leave me a comment if you want to see them. Something that I think all of us who were on the trip realized is that we need to organize things like this more often. We're already thinking and talking about where the next adventure will lead us.

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