Monday, November 13, 2006

Three thoughts for a Monday

1. I was up in Portland over the weekend, had a great time although I spent all day Saturday doing school work. It was good to spend time with our good friends Jesse and Nicole on Friday evening (we went to Solo and Kell’s) and I couldn’t ask for a better situation than the fact that Fred and Maggie let us stay with them whenever we’re in town. On Sunday, I packed up the car and drove back to Eugene. Once home, I realized that the one bag I left in Portland was the most important – my school bag, and especially my computer. I essentially hopped in my car and headed back up to Portland, but my amazing mother-in-law and step father-in-law agreed to head south with the fruit of my forgetfulness. I met Fred and Maggie in South Salem where I retrieved my stuff. I don’t have anyone to blame but myself for the mistake, but it resulted in almost 4 hours of driving on Sunday afternoon/evening. Thanks to Fred and Maggie for saving me about another 90 minutes!

2.Did you know I am now a professional blogger? That’s right, I’m actually getting paid to blog for my school. I have to post 2-3 times per month and they refer prospective students to the blog. Kind of crazy that I’m actually receiving money for espousing the virtues of a school that I love!?

3.Here is a theoretical/scientific question for this rainy, stormy season: Do you think it would ever be possible to figure out how many raindrops hit the ground in a one square mile area over the period of five minutes? I was thinking that you could somehow take a 1’ x 1’ box and figure out how many drops hit in during a period of 5 minutes and then extrapolate that figure over the square mile. How could you figure out how many drops actually fell? You could figure out the average volume of each drop, then take the total amount of water collected and divide it by the average size of drops. The equation might look like this:

(Total volume of water collected/average size of each drop=total number of drops)

You would of course, have to take into account wind factors, the variety of different sized drops, etc…But do you really think it’s possible? My head is hurting.

1 comment:

Another Shade of Grey said...

#3 is boggling my mind. Thanks for putting that thought in my head. I will be distracted for a week. :)