Monday, February 04, 2008

Gone fishin'

Yesterday I took the kids to the Eugene Sportsmen's Show because I had heard that there was going to be a kid's trout pond there. I haven't really taken the time to describe our family's recent fishing experiences, but let's just say that we have been pretty into "wetting a line" lately but we haven't really caught anything. So, the prospect of virtually guaranteeing that each kid was going to catch something was exciting to me. I went with my friend Ben and his two kids, Aiden and Chloe.

Drew caught a fish in the first five minutes and he was totally into it. Sam took some persuading, but she eventually became interested and she was ecstatic when she caught a fish after about 20 minutes or so.

Drew is pretty excited after catching his fish.

Here is one of the fish we caught (and brought back home, much to Missi's shock). It isn't really one of the whoppers that they catch up in Alaska where my sister lives, but it was still a fun experience.

Q: "Hey Sam, how big was your fish?" A: "It was THIS BIG!"

Here is short video of Sam after she caught her fish. Notice that she is literally bouncing she is so excited.

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