Friday, October 31, 2008

Book Recommendation

If you're looking for a very thought-provoking book, especially relevant for these turbulent times, may I humbly recommend The Irresistable Revolution by Shane Claiborne. Like many great suggestions I've received, I heard about this book from the Zimels when Adam came to Oregon for our guys weekend on Mt. Adams. It would take a long time for me to completely summarize all of my reactions to this book (some good, some bad), but it has definitely made me think about my priorities and has been especially good for me to read as I jump into a new profession. Here are a few blurbs from the book to whet your appetite. I heartily recommend this book!

(From the back of the book)
In The Irresistable Revolution, Shane Claiborne invites you into a movement of the Spirit that begins in the heart and extends through our hands into a broken world. Using examples from his own unconventional life, Shane Claiborne stirs up questions about the church and the world, challenging you to live out an authentic Christian faith. This book will comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable, and invite believers to change the world with Christ's radical love.

...[M}any of us find ourselves estranged from the narrow issues that define conservatives and from the shallow spirituality that marks liberals. We are thirsty for social justice and peace but have a hard time finding a faith community that is consistently pro-life or that recognizes that there are "moral issues" other than homosexuality and abortion, moral issues like war and poverty. So some folks just end up trying to save individual souls from their sins, and others end up trying to save the world from "the system." But rarely do we see that the sickness of the world has infected each of us, and that the healing of our world not only begins within us but does not end with us.

There are many, many more portions of this book that I'd like to post here on the blog, but I simply will encourage others to check out the book from your local library (like I did) or purchase a copy (all profits are going to charity). You can read more about Shane at The Simple Way.

1 comment:

the Zimels said...

Amen, brotha...
I'm about to start Shane's new book, "Jesus for President". 'm sure Adam will read at least some of it too. I'm pretty excited about it, given the title. I'll let you know what we think of it when we're through.