Thursday, March 10, 2011

Our Little Capitalistic Entrepreneurs

Lest there be any doubt, our kids look like they will be entrepreneurs when they grow up.

Some context: last Sunday we had one of the nicest days in what seemed like weeks. The clouds dissipated and we were able to accomplish some long-overdue yard work. Drew and Sam were both helping me, and Sam had her friend Kylie over. Kylie lives a few houses away from us, and she and Sam are frequent guests at each others houses.

As first-grade girls are wont to do, Sam and Kylie lost interest in the yard work after a short time, and they decided they wanted to open a rock stand. That's right, they decided they would pick out the best rocks from a gravel area across the street and then sell them to whoever would like to purchase them. Here are Sam and Kylie with their rock stand:

The price started out at $1 per rock, but they quickly lowered it to 4 for a dollar.

Now Drew was being his "I'm almost 11 and way too cool for that" self while helping me with the yard work. But you could tell that he was keeping an eye on Sam and Kylie. And once Sam and Kylie started to see revenues roll in (Missi), Drew sprang into action.

He promptly set up his own competing rock store directly across the street from Sam and Kylie.

Talk about competition! This is like a Stumptown Coffee setting up shop next to the original Starbucks in Pike Place Market! And Drew wasn't just idly sitting in his "rock store" waiting for business - he was yelling across the street trying to get Missi's attention in an attempt to lure her away from the girls' store and to his store. What a ruthless businessman! Well, apparently his tactics worked - Missi made her way over to his store and purchased a few rocks. Here is a short video of their negotiations (the audio isn't great, but you can get the gist):

I loved this whole experience. I loved Sam and Kylie's initiative and creativity in setting up their stand. I loved Drew acting "too cool" and then jumping in to join the "market." I loved Missi negotiating with both of them but judiciously ensuring that each received the same amount of money at the end of the day. And I hope that my kids always follow their passions and dreams, especially if that means that they will be entrepreneurs.

1 comment:

Jonas and Janelle said...

Lol... Oh how we miss the Wilsons! I agree, the best part of the video is Drew at the end "Hey, turn it off!". Can't believe how big your kiddos are getting!