Because I see them every day, I often don't realize just how quickly our kids are growing up. I guess it is a variation of the frog-in-slowly-warming-water phenomenon. But when I saw these pictures of Drew and Sam from the Sounders game the other night, I was struck by how grown up they both look!
So, my parents are moving after 35 years in the same house. Suffice it to say this is a big change. This is the house my sisters and I grew up in, and I have a TON of memories in 8965 SW Edgewood Street. It was a great house to grow up in, and the neighborhood was an amazing place with lots of other kids running around to build forts with or play soccer against.
We took a trip down to Portland this past weekend and Sam and I had a chance to take a last walk around the house and record a few memories.
I love that Sam made this necklace for Missi. The "chain" is a few pipecleaners and the pendant is a piece of construction paper that says "the best Mom is right in front of you".